Fukuoka 1-Night, 2-Day Itinerary: A Local Editor’s Curated Guide to Exquisite Food and Stunning Scenery

raving Fukuoka’s delicious food and beautiful sights? This 1-night, 2-day itinerary is perfect for you!
From classic Fukuoka city attractions to local favorites, we’ll guide you through a diverse range of experiences.
With this guide, planning your Fukuoka trip will be a breeze!

Day 1: Fukuoka Tenjin & Dazaifu Area

1.Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine(太宰府天満宮)

Dedicated to Sugawara Michizane, the god of scholarship, Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine is a must-visit power spot in Fukuoka. The beautiful grounds are filled with must-see sights like the flying plum tree and sacred cows. The treasure hall houses valuable cultural assets, sure to delight history buffs. The approach to the shrine is lined with shops selling local specialties and trendy cafes, perfect for a leisurely stroll. With many Instagram-worthy spots, it’s a popular destination for young people.

2.Homangu Kamado Shrine


A must-visit for fans of “Demon Slayer,” Homangu Kamado Shrine is also known as the god of matchmaking and is popular with those seeking love. The shrine grounds feature mysterious spots reminiscent of the anime. The stylish offering hall sells cute charms and prayer books. With plenty of Instagrammable spots, be sure to take lots of photos to remember your visit.

3.Fukuoka’s Famous Yatai Food(福岡の屋台)


Fukuoka’s night is illuminated by yatai food stalls, a gourmet spot enjoyed by locals and tourists alike. The Nakasu yatai area is particularly lively, offering a bustling atmosphere. From ramen and motsunabe to yakitori, Fukuoka’s B-grade gourmet scene has something for everyone. Enjoy delicious food and drinks while soaking up the warm hospitality of the yatai culture.

Day 2: A Road Trip to Itoshima


4.Shiraito Falls: A Natural Oasis


Surround yourself in nature and recharge at Shiraito Falls, a refreshing spot filled with negative ions. The 24-meter waterfall creates a cool mist, even on hot summer days. Enjoy various activities around the falls such as yamame (trout) fishing and somen

    5.Delicious Seafood Lunch Nourished by Itoshima’s Sea



    When dining in Itoshima, fresh seafood is a must!
    Facing the Genkai Sea, Itoshima City offers an abundance of marine products throughout the year. In particular, the city boasts the highest catch of red sea bream in Japan, known for its firm flesh and delicate flavor. In winter, oyster huts open throughout the city, allowing you to savor plump oysters to your heart’s content. Itoshima also offers a variety of seasonal seafood, such as fresh squid, hairtail, and turban shells. Especially popular is the local catch of fresh red sea bream, which can be enjoyed in various ways at many local restaurants. Whether it’s sashimi, grilled fish, or simmered dishes, you’re sure to have an unforgettable lunch while enjoying the beautiful Itoshima sea.

    6.Romantic Moment at Sakuraiji Futamigaura

    福岡糸島サイクリング 桜井二見ヶ浦

    A Couple’s Rock Bathed in Sunset Sakurai Futamigaura is a symbol of Itoshima. The two rocks floating on the Genkai Sea are connected by a large shimenawa (sacred rope) and are known as a power spot for matchmaking. The sunset view, especially during the summer solstice, is absolutely breathtaking. The sun sets between the rocks, leaving a lasting impression on visitors. Don’t forget your camera!

    7.Instagram-Worthy London Cafe


    The London Bus Cafe, with its striking red bus against the backdrop of the blue sky and sea, creates a truly overseas atmosphere. From the second-floor seating, you can enjoy panoramic views of the majestic Genkai Sea while sipping on house-roasted coffee or homemade gelato. Capture some Instagram-worthy photos in this photogenic space.

    8.Ramen at Hakata Ramen Street Before Heading to the Airport


    Hakata Ramen Street, directly connected to Hakata Station, is a paradise for ramen lovers. Enjoy a wide variety of ramen, including tonkotsu, shoyu, and miso. With a variety of ramen shops, from famous establishments to unique ones, you can enjoy a ramen tasting experience. The area also offers a variety of side dishes like gyoza and rice, making it perfect for those with big appetites.